Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats Today! []

Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats Today! []

*CYBA-ATTAQ (Cyber Security Merchandise):

Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats Today!

00:00 Introduction
00:07 Social Engineering
00:25 Third Party Exposure
00:54 Patch Management
01:20 Cloud Vulnerabilities
01:53 Ransomware
02:28 Mistaking Compliance for Protection
03:02 Mobile Security Threats
03:29 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policies
03:57 Internet of Things (IoT)
04:22 Outdated Hardware
05:34 Ending

Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats Today! []

1. Social Engineering
Social engineering attacks exploit social interactions to gain access to valuable data. At the root of all social engineering attacks is deception. Cyber criminals trick and manipulate their targets into taking certain actions, such as bypassing security measures or disclosing certain sensitive information.

2. Third Party Exposure
Many retailers use third parties for services such as payment processing. As such, they often believe liability for a third party breach does not apply to them. In reality, using a third party vendor does not absolve them of responsibility for a data breach.

3. Patch Management
Many attacks start with outdated software. For this reason, not staying up-to-date with software patches leaves companies vulnerable to any number of information security breaches. As soon as attackers learn of a software vulnerability, they can exploit it to launch a cyber attack.

4. Cloud Vulnerabilities
The more we rely on the cloud for data storage, the higher the risk of a major breach. Cloud services are vulnerable to a wide range of cyber attacks. This includes account hijacking and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, which prevent companies from being able to access their data.

5. Ransomware
Ransomware attacks are a serious cyber threat. These attacks infect your network and hold your data and computer systems hostage until a ransom is paid. The immediate losses from the ransom are only the tip of the iceberg. The monetary damages from lost productivity and data loss are often the most destructive to a business. Attacks like these are why 60% of small businesses go out of business within six months of a cyber breach.

6. Mistaking Compliance for Protection
Simply meeting data compliance standards is not the same as continuous and robust protection.

7. Mobile Security Threats
Mobile technology can be a significant asset to businesses, but it can also expose them to potential cyber security breaches. Findings from a recent mobile security report conclude that one in five organizations suffer from mobile security breaches. The majority of these attacks came from malware and malicious Wifi.

8. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policies
Many companies are encouraging employees to use personal devices at work as part of their Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies.

While there are numerous benefits, BYOD policies can also leave companies exposed to serious cyber security breaches. Personal devices can be easier to hack than company devices, creating an opening for attackers to breach networks and compromise data.

9. Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Things (IoT) connects devices from all over the world through the internet. This allows for a network of devices that can store, send, and receive data. Because of its convenience, many individuals and businesses are taking advantage of it.

But the very thing that makes them convenient also makes them vulnerable. Hackers can exploit internet connectivity as an access point to steal data. As companies increasingly rely on IoT devices, many experts predict this will be one of the biggest cyber threats in the coming years.

10. Outdated Hardware
Not all threats to cyber security come from software.

The pace at which software updates are released can make it difficult for the hardware to keep up. This, in turn, creates exposures that can put companies’ data at risk. As hardware becomes obsolete, many outdated devices will not allow updates with the latest patches and security measures.